SAVE THE DATE!!!!! Fall Dance is coming!!

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The Fall Dance is coming!!!!! Please join us on October 25th for the Fall Dance!

Cost is $15 per family until October 21st, $20 per family afterwards or at the door.

Payments can be submitted by cash or check (made payable to ETES PTA) with the attached form.  Fill out and send back to school.


you can go to

and find Fall Dance to make online payments

Hope to see you there!


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Did you know????????


You can help generate income for Elizabeth Traditional Elementary’s PTA ?
We have many corporate partnerships that generate a percentage of your purchase right back to our PTA:
When shopping on Amazon: shop on Amazon Smile (it’s the exact same as your Amazon account, you just have to type in Amazon smile)- it will ask you your charity and you can find our school on the list. That’s all you have to do and a percentage of your purchase will come back to us!
Food Lion: link your food lion card to our school with code 212987
Target: link your account to 80433
Harris Teeter: link your card to 2038
You have to RELINK your cards EVERY year- so you might want to make sure if you haven’t linked it up in awhile!
The PTA thanks you for all your support as always!!!

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September News

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Stop by before or after Open House and earn money for ETES PTA!!


Mark your calendar- OPEN HOUSE

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